Marching on!
Spring is in the air at the farm! The days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter, and the tulips we overwintered in cold storage are ready for harvest. It’s been really interesting watching the crateloads of pale stems morph into beautiful green leaves and colorful flowerheads. It’s always exciting to see the farm come to life after a long winter.

Finally February
After the longest January on record, we’re welcoming February with a big delivery from Johnny’s Selected Seeds.

Putting the farm to bed
Oh my gosh, it's officially 2025. We made it! Are you banging to go or easing into the New Year like me? Personally, I feel like I just no-clipped to 2025 with a startled look on my face. Sage and I both started the day off like, wait what actual day is it? before she rolled over to go back to sleep. While I worked just a wee bit over Christmas, I genuinely tried to do as little as possible over the holiday season and actually take a break - get some sleep, read a book. Normally this time of year, as we get things back into order, I'm slower moving and easing into it. I actually enjoy the cold dark mornings we have this time of the year and I want to revel in these slow starts while they last.

Times of transition
As many of you know, Alisa, our beloved flower farmer and my co-conspirator here at Maitri, is leaving the farm at the end of this year. She’s been a joy to work alongside these past three years and has made the work of building up Maitri into a sustainable operation an attainable goal. Her generosity with her time and her efforts to make this change as painless for the Farm (and me!) as possible by diligently working to leave clear records, plans and a book of operational procedures to help us transition her away and with onboarding a new farmer when they join the team is deeply appreciated and very much within character for her.